
A winning loss

My baby has gone..

My excitement escaped with you

My love stayed with you

My presence needed you

I couldn\'t wait for the day to meet with you

But instead

God decided he needed you more

Without warning, without permission

He took you.

I am left broken, scarred and empty

My very first child has left me

Will we meet again?

I Can only wonder when

Either this life, I wish

Maybe God says the next.

It\'s hard for me to comprehend the reason you ceased 

Like a stab to the chest, now my heart is bleeding

Bleeding was literally all i could see

Every hour, every second, for the rest of the week.

I\'ll be angry, i\'ll be bitter, i won’t stand to look at another child,

you were only 5 weeks but you were still my child

Dozens of emotions are crossing my mind 

Is there any possible way to save this beautiful baby of mine.

 I won\'t get over this, I can\'t get past this

Emotions now thousands, 

I just want back my child

I weeped, i cried, stayed in my room

From this  day forward i\'ll be a recluse

One question repetitively comes to my mind

Why did God choose this plan for me, 

I have no clue…


Eventually, surprisingly i found some strength

Which i never believed would even exist

After so much hurt and pain I felt

My heart has been healed inside and out.

Although my baby is not in this world

He was way too beautiful to live on this earth

Surviving in the heavenlies he’ll shine  his light  

We’ll meet again soon my Angel, goodnight, goodnight.