
Jesus Is My World


Of Jesus I like to tell the story
And give to Jesus all the glory
I like to spread his word around
Jesus can always be found
Jesus loves us all
Rather we are big or small
Old or young or in between
Jesus performs miracles many I have seen
Jesus don\'t care the color of our race
He saves us all as I\'m a sinner saved by grace
He watches over us from heaven above
I am not Worthy of Jesus love
Unbelievable how Jesus loves us all
He is always there when upon his holy name we call
I am a sinner and it Fascinate me
To Jesus I\'m Precious and his love will always be
Jesus is the one I turn to
He was there with me from abuse he got me through
A story of Jesus above
Of his true love
A story many haven\'t heard or don\'t want to hear
I hope the story of Jesus gets out more and it can bring tears
To even think how Jesus died on that cross on Calvary
For every women,man boy, girl and every baby
He is still there day and night
I pray everyone turns and can see Jesus light
I will tell about Jesus any time
Jesus is my best friend he can be yours like he is mine
Welcome to my world
As I learn of Jesus and hope to help every boy and girl.