
Returning Ruler

Tune: Cross of Jesus

(\'Come, thou long-expected Jesus\')

Luke 21 v.25-28


At Christ\'s second coming, return

There be signs that we can learn

Signs in sun, and moon, and stars too

Help us Lord those signs to view


Upon the earth shall be distress

Of nations, turmoil no less

They perplexed, and sea\'s waves roaring

You shall full your kingdom bring


People\'s hearts be failing from fear

for looking on those things near

And which are to soon come on earth

Yet of praise you still are worth


The powers of heaven shall be

Shaken, and then all shall see

The Son of Man coming in cloud

With power, glory endowed


When those things begin to happen

Look up, and be joyful then

For your redemption it draws nigh

End of every mournful sigh