
Spiritual Stone

Tune: Westminster Abbey

(\'Christ is made the sure foundation\')

1 Peter 2 v.4-10 parts


It is written in the Scriptures

I lay in Sion stone sure

A chief corner stone, it chosen

Precious it be now, since when

It was laid, and who do believe

Comfort, not shame, shall receive


To you therefore who do believe

Christ is precious, no deceive

But to those who do ont obey

They do stumble in the way

For that stone, that rock to them be

Stone of offence, stumbling, see


But you believers are, as one

A chosen generation

A royal priesthood, a holy

Nation, even so you be

And God\'s special people, that you

Should show His praises anew


The praises of the Lord, for He

Has called you from darkness, we

Called into His marvellous light

Radiant beams banish night

One time we were not a people

Now we be God\'s people all


And one time we had not obtained

Mercy, nor kindness un feigned

But now have obtained God\'s mercy

Praise and honour to Him be

Built on Christ, the chief corner-stone

Salvation in Him alone