Kurt Philip Behm

Looking Back — Moving On (+2)

Are you lost inside nostalgia,

blinded by its call


Self convinced the past is king,

old romance to enthrall


The facts proclaim much different,

in science and the arts


Awareness of what we’ve become,

the most illusive part


What you bought for fifteen dollars,

that CD with thirteen songs


Now can buy the music world,

Ipod’s carry on


The doctor’s diagnosis,

beyond mere life or death


An MRI can then confirm,

and protons will arrest


The scope of human nature,

to hold on and not let go


Ties us to a bill we’ve paid

—resent from long ago


(Villanova Pennsylvania: December, 2019)



Guardians Of Tomorrow


All history must we study,

but not enslave ourselves


As we forge on in tribute

—intrepid to foretell


(Dreamsleep: December, 2019)



Spitting In The Wind


Death is not a failing

—only its denial


(Dreamsleep: December, 2019)