
Many British Thermal Units needed...

To heat these lovely bag of bones
more so than required to generate clones

aging musculoskeletal physique groans

kvetching synonymous nsync with exactly

indistinguishable among where generic

garden variety alter kocker and/or like

mummified Pharaoh moans.


Hence, I will beg, borrow or steal,

as profound philosophical thinker

oh no... no... no, this

non smoking bandit, nor drinker

will explain to police officer,

that me willingly doth plead

guilty as freshly showered stinker

without spectacles yours truly

can only blinker

if nabbed do time inside

state of the art clinker,

where ample heat warms hoodwinker

covering mine rickety musculoskeletal,

while escorted to attend requisite

appointment with headshrinker.


Token Doubting Thomas here

resorts to life of

petty crime without fanfare

for this common man

dirt poor bloke who doth air

(not that anybody

will rat\'s a$$, nor care

a jot regarding me

squalid financial welfare),

but analogous to Scrooge

grossly dislikes Xmas time of year

not always the case, cuz as lad din

Southeastern Montgomery County

one cute little boy with

short cropped hair,

(a \'curse unbiased

opinion), aye declare

Santa Claus and shopping amidst

madding crowd no living nightmare

like today December eighteenth

tooth how sinned nineteen

bajillion people angrily glare

with livid rage expect

whistleblowing thru air

courtesy bull-let-in aiming crosshair,

whereat vendors pushing merchandise

hooping he/she can scare

up brisk business, hence

caveat emptor i.e. buyer beware

aside from aforementioned

hypothetical scenario - won\'t ever

occur within glorious land

of bilk and money

America, the home of the free..., where

distribution of wealth very unfair.


Yukon still enjoy of beauty,

this po\' witless can bet

dollars to donuts without

spending yourself silly

garnering mountain due of debt

subsequently weeping

(think guitar coming

unstrung at every fret),

thus... ya gotta get get

aware simple pleasures

experience mindfulness, such as

zipping across globe on private jet

hobnobbing with rich and famous,

then swing by utmost secluded un convent

chin null monastery, and meet...

nun other than one cell bated abbott.