Alan .S. Jeeves

Your Budgie Loves You


Your budgie loves you dearly,

He loves his gilt abode;

He really loves you, clearly,

Abounding love is owed.

You perch-ased him a lovely swing,

He loves to flit and roost,

He loves to swing and do his thing -

His boredom is reduced.


You pamper him, he loves your stroke,

He risks a loving peck;

He nips your finger, that\'s no joke!

But he thinks \'What the heck!\'

Your budgie loves you ~ his best friend ~

And sings and chat\'s with you;

He\'ll be your soulmate to the end

Repaying love that\'s due.


You open out your window wide

He loves the draughty flow;

He breathes the fresh air deep inside

And loves the breezy blow.

You open up his gilded door

To feed him lovely grain;

He loves the open window for

He\'s never seen again.

