
Goodbye and good riddance 2019

Commencement writing this poem

began December 24th: 08:04:03 PM

ended December 24th: 09:23:17 PM.


Soon Auld Lang Syne

sung bidding goodbye

adieu two thousand nineteen

uttered from every gal and guy

transfixing living mortals

with good cheer well nigh,

while awesome pyrotechnics

light up night sky.


All across world wide web

hope springs eternal

rocking and rolling creatures

woke out their hibernal

phase, where new year

rings optimism jockeys

to thwart diabolical, infernal

offal, venal... bare beer bellies

race with full bladders

elbowing way to nearest urinal.


Infinitesimal metaphorical eye blink

yet,... utopian wishes

transcending personal resolutions,

while champagne glasses clink

booze legitimated, liberated

to quaff another drink

who knows mankind, and

all species may become extinct

climate change if anthropomorphized...,

a party spoiler rat fink

aye bet same phenomena,

that also caused human missing link

wild hypothesis, I admit

yours truly did misthink

merely speculating as

fingers spuriously plink

MacBook keyboard

upon completion, I will uplink

rhyme without reason,

than succumb to zeeland,

where dreams conjured courtesy

rapid eye movement lidded wink.


Though veritable stranger

to thee dear reader,

I read dull admit,

nonetheless hope ya summon true grit

threading thru maze of life adhering

to credos, dogma, ethics... mostly legit

yet take to the activist streets

if necessary and ABSOLUTELY vote

if prior to election day,

ye complete eighteenth orbit

cuz, commander in chief,

he will not concede nor quit

power monger loathe

to relinquish presidency

grounding country into

Grade A s*¡t

(use your imagination, and

sure call this mister a twit.


All joking aside,

yours truly wishes ye well

write and share, cuz

no doubt you got lots to tell

plus the writing process

cathartic, fantastic, therapeutic

to express concerns, emotions,

far out predictions... eke quell

or greater than mine,

an ordinary garden variety fell

ho...ho...ho... within Schwenksville I dwell.