Tune: Ruth
(\'Summer suns are glowing\')
Acts Chapters 6 and 7 parts
For St Stephen\'s Day: Dec 26
Stephen, by the Spirit
Filled, holy fire lit
One of the deacon\'s sort
Of honest report
And of wisdom they full
They heard the Lord\'s call
Faithfully to Him preach
And to others reach
Full of faith and power
Served God each hour
Did great wonders, and too
Miracles anew
There among the people
They did see it all
So the Lord they praised for
His glory shown sure
When on trial, the folk see
Stephen\'s face, it be
Blazing as an angel
None could make him fall
Though he said that they turned
From God, his heart burned
To fulfil His Lord\'s will
E\'en through good and ill
Then he faithful martyr
Folk did there confer
To cast him out, and stone
Him, and to condone
That he be killed, yet he
Forgiving, so be
Vision of Christ he saw
Then with Him e\'ermore
Lord help us in troubles
What our path befalls
If some called to down lay
Their lives in this day
For your sake, give grace we
Pray here constantly
May we now hear your call
Who for us gave all