
11:40pm Feelings

Thank you for making me feel unwanted.

I went in the bathroom and cried because you rolled over and said, \"Get off of me.\"

Thank you for making me cry.

Now I\'m debating with myself if it\'s even worth it to tell you I just want to be in your arms. 

Thank you for going to sleep being petty.

Again it made me feel unwanted and now I\'m fighting with myself again. 

Thank you for not saying \"Goodnight babe\" and kissing me before you fall asleep.

Now I\'m debating if I even want to sleep next to you anymore.

It\'s 11:40pm and I\'m standing in the kitchen smoking a cigarette and drinking Taylor Port.

Thank you for confusing my mind. 

Now I know this will be another sleepless night and me staring at the wall, trying to figure out where I went wrong. 

Thank you for the attitude. 

By the time you wake up to go to the bathroom at 2:30 I\'ll be drunk &+ asking you why.

Thank you for intensifying my anxiety.

You heightened my depression with that as well. 

Last but not least thank you for having me fight a demon by myself. 

Especially one you know that I fight with daily.