
Waiting Together.

I sit by her hospital bed,

I look at my lover with tears in my eyes.

She does not see me,

Our years looking into each other’s eyes

No long possible.

She lays there, waiting,

I sit there, waiting,

Waiting for that moment,

That moment when she leaves,

Leaves me.


I relive the past,

Our wonderful times,

So many years with our love

Fuelling our beautiful life,

But now it is over.

She lays there, waiting,

I sit there, waiting.

It will come soon

And my lover will be gone,

But I know she will be waiting,

Waiting for me,

As our hearts re-join

And will sail together to infinity,

To infinity and beyond,

Fuelled by our love,

A love so secure

As it was from that moment,

That moment we first met,

First met so many years ago.


She lays there, waiting,

I sit there, waiting.