Aa Harvey

A Loner

A Loner



Some people just have to be alone;

Not all of us get to find love.

Not all of us can be happy;

Most of us will spend our lives miserable.



But I shall save you from my misery.

I won’t let you end up like me,

For I only bring peace, love and empathy;

Disguised as my love (inside is a disease).



A ball of confusion,

A web woven by the fallen.

The women of past, present and future,

All gang up to tell me I’m a loser.



So kill me please!

I beg for death!

I can’t have love,

So I would rather be dead,

Than live one more second

On this putrid Earth.



It disgusts me.

It sickens me.

I despise having to live in this world.



(C)2013 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.