
Eventide Then Morning

Tune: Eventide

(\'Abide with me\')

John 14 v.1 - 3 parts


Rest, rest, sweet soul, your pain and suffering o\'er

Your husband, he loved you, did you adore

And still that love lives, you shall meet again

Shall know bliss of eternal Rapture then


Sing, sing in heaven, earthly strife all left

Prayers here for comfort for those now bereft

But a star shines, take up your mansion-place

Which Christ has prepared for you by His grace


Dayspring has dawned, \'tis Christ, He the true Light

Dispels the darkness of death and of night

Fly, spread your wings, join in the angels\' choir

Now with your Lord, never now you afar


Christ your Lord He has gone the way before

Meet Him with joy on the eternal shore

\'Til you both walk by River [of life] endlessly

In love, peace, joy through all eternity