A Boy With Roses

Ode to Midnight

Nefarious winds brushed off my cheeks 

With each important footstep I took 

I got closer to the edge


The vine has grown, in a utopia

I\'m anchored to paranoia

Fragile China

My back arched like Sierra Blanca 

When I was shot with kaleidoscopic colours 

I thought I was going to die 


A wolf cry echoed by

A wolf cry went scoot

Everything\'s going to ruin, bitch

Per l\'amor del cazzo

Cazzo la mia vita


Last night was a bastard

But the jazz band played on

Ha ha

Ha ha ha

I laughed at jokes 

Found myself on an elongated road

Submerged in a foggy dream

Like a proud fool, dyed-in-the-wool 

Taking constant blows to my self-esteem

Trying to block out gut-wrenching images from my mind

Why won\'t the intrusive thoughts abscond? 

When will this epoch end?


Each day it\'s getting harder to breathe

Twenty three deserts 

I\'m tired of making an effort

I\'m existing like a phantasmagoria

Brother of the heir to the throne

Each day it\'s getting harder to breathe

Black clouds, pumice and ash

In the shadow of Mount Vesuvius

Standing like a semi-colon

I can\'t remember the last time I watched the television

And I have a hard time expressing my emotions

Rip me open.