
Perfume and Smoke

An unexpected visual. 

Of such beauty, she appears

With a crowd through the entrance. 

I was yet to pay attention.


A lassie. A woman. 

Why, it hurts to ponder. 

Time has been taken

To witness such personal desire. 

I wonder how your voice sounds. 


Standing with the table, 

My elbows are sticky 

As a winter breeze brushes by. 

The smell of smoke and perfume as you pass

Is so fresh with this now vibrant night. 


You\'ve brought colour to this pub. 

Now I\'ve lost track of patter

While thinking that the right moment won\'t ever be

Unless I do something about it. 

About us. 

Can you see me? 


I wait till you have scanned the room, 

Maybe you will spot me here. 

I look once more to see that you have 

As our eyes lock for just a moment 

During your conversation. 


Does a girl always want to be desired? 

How does she invite? 

Those eyes, did they look deliberate or

Is it just the presentation of this room? 


A drink goes down. 

An excuse to walk

To the bar where she is stood. 

But as I prepare to make my move

Her hair spins. 

I see her back. 


A friend on her shoulder link\'s arms to take her away. 

The group take sure steps towards the wind. 

Gutted, I scan for her glance. 

Such eyes, they land on me once more. 


I feel my smile grow slowly instead of straighten 

As for now she has provoked

Me to keep on searching for her essence 

Through perfume and Smoke.