A Boy With Roses

Far From El Dorado

Old, bittersweet memories have washed ashore

At a peculiar time of night

I think of them like they\'re locks of hair 

Blossoming like the beaming moonlight

Five years have passed 

Since I met the harbinger of death 

I almost still can\'t believe I\'m here

Plasma, jumping grasshopper

A familiar aroma 

Buzzing around like fruit flies

I\'m the swollen pilot of the aeroplane

Poppy-red, profusely sweating

I\'m a shining diadem

A frown, a raised eyebrow

Sexually aroused 

A songbird cursing the drought 

I take the Hobson\'s choice, unbothered 

I\'ve jettisoned the prospect of a clear victory 

I\'m pissed off, drinking a stiff glass of edible bulbs 

With guilty hands, I\'m wanting a second chance 

Sitting in silence 

I haven\'t said a single word 

And the hours pass, and the hours pass

And the hours pass, hours pass.