Kurt Philip Behm

A Foretelling (+3)

Is being open to fate,

a choice


Accepting tomorrow,

in lieu of today


A foretelling that still

can be acted upon


A remembrance

—the choosing at bay


(Dreamsleep: January, 2020)




Duas Electiones


You have two choices

in war…


Turn into a psychopath,

or suffer PTSD


Becoming the former,

may insure your survival


Suffering the latter

—and your world self destructs


(Dreamsleep: January, 2020)




Therefore I Am


If all ancient philosophy

is a footnote to Plato


Then all modern thought

—is a tribute to Descartes


(Villanova University: January, 2020)




The Baby\'s Laugh


She brought flowers to the garden,

water to the pond

Fresh stripes to line the zebra’s back,

and melody to song


A background to the rising sun,

brush strokes to the paint

New breath to hold the baby’s laugh

—and love to cure the hate


(St. David’s Pennsylvania: January, 2020)