
An Unhappy New Year to All!

Woof! Fido says - You ole misery

Why you wished an Unhappy New Year to All?

(Gotta allow for a talking dog here - he speaks English)


Well, it\'s inevitable Fido

Bound to happen

Don\'t ya know why?


Well, I don\'t really know, says Fido

(Doing Mavis impression form Corrie there - 

No end of his talents).

Did someone have an accident or misfortune?

Did something terrible happen?


Why, yes Fido - something terrible

And no end to it....

Cos I only said 

\'Im gonna continue to sing!\'


Don\'t ya know - 

My New Year Resolution

Is to increase from 2 to 20 songs per day

It\'ll drive ya all mad

But it can\'t be helped


What number singing lesson are ya on? asks Fido

(He howls to drown out my singing!)

Oh, lesson number 2569874251 I think


I should give it up as bad job, says Fido

That singing tutor\'s laughing up his sleeve

He knows ya don\'t improve

But still wants your dough (money)!


Now a song from Fido to end with:

Woof, Woof!

How much is that doggy in the window?

Woof, Woof!

Ya knows the rest of the song!


Where\'s the guys in white coats?!
