
Dearest Amelie Beth Harris-Mcgeehan

If royalty moost likely

spotlight ye would dodge

nonetheless anointed, deemed, granted...

within humble abode

of your lodge

most righteous, magnanimous, gracious...

among confrère noblesse oblige.


Methinks twas foolhardy of me

when joost a mere young man

(more\'n half agoo me lifespan)

ye always acknowledging me birthdate,

(although tomorrow a day early,

and dollar long)

regarding thirteenth of Jan.


Your sisterly affection doth buoy

inside mine heart and soul

first born of three offspring

begat courtesy Boyce

and Harriet Harris handed lead role

par exemplar to officiate (figuratively)

filial obeisance, particularly

when older analogous to foal

abiding maternal horse sense, thus I extol.


As your brother, rhetorical question I ask

how often did thee deserve to bask

within metaphorical sunshine to exceed

regarding care and concern emotional task


tenderly \"mothering\" kith and kin,

ye divinely didst shew,

especially yours truly

now he dost rue

he rarely did communicate -

hermetically within his

hermetically sealed queue

detached, isolated, outsourced,

I may as well lived in Peru

(think Machu Picchu)

courtesy schizoid personality disorder

leavened, prepared, and sprinkled with

obsessive compulsiveness

for good measure ooh

and aah barely registered

consciousness, and knew

not what blessedness constituted hew

as tremendous precious jewel few

chore birthdays promise with clear clue

how ye go above and beyond

call of sisterly duty aware remaining life

(mine) would be far inadequate to accrue

equitable devotional, emotional,

and financial recompense.

Hence feeble attempt

to distill some essence

with words that appear

incomprehensible and dense,

cuz writing more comfortable

verses talking, which

often jabbering (more like a wookie)

(think fictional hirsute humanoids

in Star Wars universe)

often makes no cents.


Tempus fugit fleets at light speed

quasi immortality conferred as generations rebreed

all the while unwittingly transmitting indeed

idiosyncrasies, mutations, quarks... such as greed

myopia, selfishness... at death sorrow doth bleed.