Kurt Philip Behm

Intellectual AIDS (+5)

Academic Immune Deficiency,

the intellect under attack


Those powered to know, ivory towers enthroned,

dialectic—its meaning hijacked


(Bryn Mawr College: January, 2020)



The Double-Edge


Humanities coin two sided,

on the front eternal life


On the back annihilation

—on its edge we balance fright


(Dreamsleep: January, 2020)




Math Murder


Is science the killer

of intuition


Can feelings so easily

be dispelled


The numbers unchained,

math murder proclaimed


Our souls and our spirits

—to quell


(Dreamsleep: January, 2020)




The Golden Egg


The world is an oven

we live in


With each scorching,

its temperature grows


Unable to stop,

hands fall off the clock


Left roasting

—goose cooking below


(Villanova Pennsylvania: January, 2020)




The Elephant\'s Ears


They say to forgive and forget…

in spite of the damage they’ve done


A blessing sublime, someone better than I,

could do both—I though neither one


(Dreamsleep: January, 2020)




The Nets Are Down


Without rhyme,

the words fade into the mist


Without rhyme,

the verse so begotten


Without rhyme,

all passages blow with the wind


Without rhyme

—so quickly forgotten


(Villanova University: January, 2020)

“Without rhyme, it’s like playing tennis without a net.”

Robert Frost