
Paths in Life.

Throughout my life I have walked them,

Walked the paths of my life,

Each one so different,

Creating so many emotions within me.

As I look back I can see them,

Those paths that ended in sadness,

The ones that ended in anger,

But each of them gave me experience,

Experience not to tread them again.

There was always the main path though,

That wide path that was my life.

Each path I trod went back

To the life I was going to lead.

Here I am looking forward,

Forward to the new path before me.

My life has changed,

Given me a sad path which I followed,

But I know I will return,

Return to the way I need to go.


We all need to look ahead,

Look to our own new paths,

As if you do not tread them,

Where will you go?