Mute Writer

The Girl the Moon Loved

She believed no one cared,
she\'d cry herself to sleep

The moon knew all her secrets,
he wished she\'d see the beauty he\'d been seeing.

She would cry for hours begging for love,
all she found was vultures

Promises broken, a father who never loved anything but the bottles hidden in his drawers,

A little girl lost in the hands of the devil,
a little girl who never found love as a child.

.The moon saw her as perfection,
she was too far for him to reach.

He loved the beautiful woman although she never learned how to love herself.

A beautiful woman so damaged all she found was crooks trying to break her stone walls.

The moon begged and pleaded in the coolness of the night,
but she never listened.

A woman so ashamed of who she\'d become never listened when a soul told her just how beautiful she truly was.

She was stuck in front of a mirror wishing to be as beautiful as the girls on TV.

Beauty was all the woman craved, and beauty is what brought her to her grave.

The moon no longer shines bright for the world to see, hidden behind thunder clouds.

The world will never see how bright he can really shine...