Aa Harvey





She was the one in whom I had found love at first sight.

In wonderland I gave a primal shout

And Alice came to rock out loud.

This head-banging beauty shone so bright;

I knew I had to make her mine this night.



In search of love, the boy of her dreams,

Stood in front of her at last to be seen.

She smiled because she knew her prayers had been answered;

She danced for me and she was my exotic dancer.



We spent the night together lost in each other\'s eyes.

The stars above were the colour of disco lights.

Summer was gone but the heat was still here.

In her arms I felt something move me, so I let go of my fears.



In her is saw love shining back at me,

For in her beauty I could see she could give me all that I need.

Her smile was the smile of the Mona Lisa;

Such peace to be found in her, my panacea.



(C)2016 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.