
Beyond the Veil



Laying beneath the cobwebs,

You sweep them to clear,

The opening to the veil,

You so long to see through,

Once again.


Through the eyes of your innocence,

A thought not so pure,

But your safe place,

Not often visited,

But desired immensely;

Your cure


For beyond the veil,

You are you,

Your inner child starts to free,

From the cobwebs,

You’ve been bound by,

So heavily


You long to escape,

To that safe place,

Beyond the veil,

But you know,

in order to get there,

You will need to let ‘him’



He is out there,

And he will find you,

One day my dear,

Despite the maze of walls,

You built around yourself,

And the cobwebs,

will be

no more.


He will be your King,

Your safe haven,

To explore.

Protecting you,

His princess,

Beyond the veil,

Forever more.