
A Girl


A girl as light as a petal, sent ripples throughout my existence, 
A girl as clear as the day, blurred my vision
A girl as pure as light, is making me lose sight
I am pulled towards her as if the world is tipped her way.

With my heart on my sleeve, I took the leap
With not much to expect, I put it to rest
To my surprise it was not yet my demise

She is

                 A girl that took my hand
                     A girl that taught me to stand
                         A girl that made me a man

Fate had something else in mind, our paths intertwined, but our hearts were blind

She became

            A girl that tore me apart
              A girl that left me there to stand
                 A girl that chose another man


You were my girl, you drew me in, you taught me to love and you taught me to sin.
I have lost trust, I have lost the reason
I have lost the fight. Yet you are the girl I cannot despise.