Simeon Schwartz


Tumbling through the world, I am sent forth, my heart clenches and stomach Jitters.

....Yelling - No More! I can\'t Do it!

Ever so slightly it doesn\'t count. It never, No one hears them because no one listens or maybe they\'re blind to the words.


The moon shines brightly the earth is dark. I seat on the front porch and ponder the travesty so inflicted. Not on me I dare say, I pause, Really it is not on me.

Fear of holding on , fear of admittance its truly a shys\' tale, a one so brisk and fragile it falls off a child\'s hand and shatters.


The moor is bright again, I can see the skies.


Its my imagination; it is. As i wonder down the yard, a drawing valley down the lowlands, the air is cold, brisk, It cuts through dark skin; a shallow pain I barely discard. I am unamused ,  I am bored , I am distracted and silently dead.


A shadow passes by, he says you\'re not it ... I barely listen . I am looking across the valley, it is dark now. I do not notice, all except the rearing head in sight.


Its coming at me. I am in place sans fear, sans emotion , am i alive? I  do not hear my voice, am I trapped ? my eyes bulged out and mouth parts slightly open, I am taking small gasps of air. My heart isn\'t racing, but my eyes are in tears.


I can\'t seem to stop it or i hardly notice. Its bright now.


Hollowness, its the only mood that resonates.


Its okay, its okay I repeat, I chant


I am locked, I am trapped in my definition of space. I would never escape.


Am I sinking?


I let go. I allow it.


The tears are back, non blinking, static dead gaze; 5, 6, 7 its okay, its okay



one breath in two breathes in , its okay its okay 8, 9, 10 still nothing still nothing......



I am dead.