
My personal hell

My nightmares 

Paralyze me 

I wake up
Questioning me

If the pain 

Was an illusion 

Or a foreshadow 

Of what is to come 

Like the little boy 

I saw fall from the

Leaf branch

That was intertwined 

WIth the sharp cuts 

On his bony arms 

I snapped out of the dark trance 

As soon as I saw 

As young as a 6yr old

Emotionally blank

I felt like I didn\'t belong 

Because I didn\'t 

I just wanted an escape 

But my escape brought me 

Closer to myself 

Not only myself but kids 

Like myself 

Just trying to 

Find an answer 

But our answers 

Lead us to the cold dark hallways 

Of the hospital that we desperately wanted 

To not call out home 

But it was my home for 10 days 

No one should have to call that dark place 

Their home 

No matter what age 

The needles and 

Dark rooms where 

Children would be locked up 

And punished 

Is not a home 

But a prison

Where no child

Should be held down 

In a room so cold 

My emotions 

felt as if they were frozen by the 

Chilly night brought on 

By the cold hearts of the leaders

Almost as if they 

Cared they so little 

About the snapped tree branches 

We so-called our hearts