A Boy With Roses

Perfect Asymmetry

Light bursts 

The gibbous moon is in fashion 

I\'m casting aspersions, around empty liquor bottles 

I\'ve presented my middle finger to Hell

Life is throwing mountains at me

I can only presume it\'s a sort of augury

Time and time again 

I\'ve been acquainted with disasters 

At the zenith, in my sanctum

At 4 a.m., I\'m awake 


Everything is going to plan 

I feel alive, pitying Anne Frank 

I\'m disporting in my tomb 

Deciphering codes, back at my davenport 

I\'m happy and sad, working on my syntax

A mannequin writing a diatribe


It\'s like a poison arrow shot through the heart 

A four letter word rests on the tip of my fountain pen 

In the hot space of ten minutes 

I\'ve drank the darkness, I\'m a tortured soul

Trying my hardest not to be bellicose

I have to work on my issues

I\'ve ran to the end of the constellation Virgo 

It\'s been an ordeal to say the least 

Oyez oyez oyez!

I\'ve erased a Greek solecism

On cloud nine

I\'ve put my pen down

Into the row of other implements

In a typical shipshape position

I could vomit, lace the grommet

I\'m as creative as the Drum Major 

Dazzled by the pur and the peach 

Poetry drips from my lips

The embroidery clings 


The naked man\'s orchid 

I\'m getting everything mixed up.