Thomas J. Dooley


I beat the ground here with fists and with tears

Never to make a wrong a right and never to lose sight

Got to remember the stories and continue the fight


I beat the ground

At the base of the locust tree

So that the ghost of the strange fruit can be free


I beat the ground with marching feet

Every step closer to equality

The black and white photos of the call for dignity


I beat the ground

With peace as the gravel cuts the hand the knuckles bleed

Who died here children, women or men as we hear the stories again


I beat the ground with my mind

Looking past political lies freedom is my right

Ignorance is no excuse when you break the rules


I beat the ground

With optimism hearing the echoing sounds of Martin and Malcolm

A definite dream striving for its reality


I beat the ground with my voice

I demand the right to a choice


©Copyright Thomas Dooley 2020