Amelia R

What once was his


She strived to love him as he loved her,

For he made each day less of a blur,

But she pushed him away day upon day more and more,

Like forlorn waves washing upon the shore.


He loved and laughed and shed a tear,

Though crying was only present when ghost was near,

She sat and wept through heartbreaks galore,

Her tears like shingles, till ghost was born.


Although the sea swept by, coral blue,

Her love for life vanished like some forgotten clue,

He swore she would return to what once was there,

But in the morning her spirit disappeared.


He continues to think about the girl he was with,

As indeed the sea has taken her - she is gone, a myth.

For now, all that remains in his hands,

Are the remnants of seashells washed up on the sand.