
I patronize Liberty ministries thrift store

2200 E High Street

Pottstown, PA 19464


Upon making a purchase,

yours truly murmurs bonjour

to the man/woman clerk

manning cash register,

(perhaps another day)

maybe soon as tomorrow

January twenty four -

two thousand and twenty,

I will explore

Moonlight madness sale

fifty percent off all merchandise

across the expansive floor

after getting weary and footsore

snagging garments for near future

return home to stock wardrobe (mine)

satisfied with basement bargains galore,

aye attest bang for buck heretofore

wearables specially bought with difficulty,

née impossible mission finding clothing

to fit this hunchback named Igor.


Rather than pay top dollar i.e.

as prestigious patrician wag

hashtagged with extremely

high price tag

(think chic boutiques)


uninviting to token

garden variety scalawag

(i.e. namely yours truly),

who feels more at home

attiring himself courtesy ragtag

garments, particularly scant legal tender

jangling within me threadbare moneybag

plus deformity drawing

less stares when I lollygag


(matter of fact many \"Zerns people\")

populate said very affordable - egad

even amiable animals

amble along to stash their feedbag.


Impact on very limited budget

affords me more bang for buck

upon locating rare find,

I feel analogous to lucky duck

quacking and fluffing tail feathers

scouting around for usable goods

another shopper did finish

with thence did huck.