
Mr. Rogers

As I sit on the couch thinking of what makes me relevant

I think back and can’t remember what was the last thing I did excellent

I could take a page out of the worlds book and think of the successes of others 

Or I can relay my own success until I expose all of their vexes

Mr. Rogers came to my mind with a spurge of loathing but then I remembered how monumental his memory has come to be

As I sit by waiting for the day to turn I ponder whether the dawn will be a haven of mediocrity or a march toward greatness

Simplicity ends up being the entree for the evening with a glass of gratitude in one hand and a transcendent dose of solitude in the other

The years of simplicity do not appeal to the public eye but conquers the enigmatic feeling mediocrity

As most humans have tried and failed to possess a grand piece of mind

I have fully embraced the arrival of a balanced lifeline