
Selfless Steps

Tune: Langran

(\'Here, O my Lord, I see thee face to face\')


Draw near to God, he will draw near to you

Go not by sight, but by faith His way view

One step at a time, each day seek t ogrow

More Christ-like and more of His Spirit know


Forgive where we fret, hearts they restless be

Or where forgot your constant company

The things we face, your comfort do you bring

And we to you brign praise our offering


Move us, help us, if stuck in apathy

Or maybe a dull unreality

Show what is best, unselfish may we take

Up our cross daily, live for your name\'s sake


Not be content with what we want, but seek

What you want Lord, and serve you, humble, meek

Our weaknesses you know, to what we prone

Our temptations you know, and did them own


Yet without sin, not fall into sin once

Your Father\'s will your food, your sustenance

help us not live by bread alone entire

But live by your every word, so aspire