Tune: Richmond
(\'Fill thou my life, O Lord my God\')
Psalm 125
They that trust in the LORD shall be
As mount Zion is, see
Which cannot be removed, but stays
Abides eternal days
As the mountains are round about
Jerusalem, no doubt
So the LORD round about He be
His people e\'ermore, free
For wickedness, it shall not rest
On the righteous, they blessed
Lest the righteous reach forth to sin
To do evil therein
Do good, LORD, to those that good be
To those whose hearts agree
With your ways, who do upright live
Your favour to such give
As for such who do turn aside
To crooked ways, deride
The LORD, He shall lead them out, they
Shall not share in the days
The days that His peace be upon
His people, e\'en each one
Peace of the Father, Spirit, Son
While endless ages run