
London Winter Walk 2020

In the Oval Cricket Ground we are all gathered,

Walkers assembled for the London Winter Walk of 2020,

Bleary eyed, half awake at the early start,

Our reasons to compete here are numerous and plenty.

At 1k we are separated by the Eastern or Western Loop routes that we choose to take,

Walking through London, this interesting city and its streets,

Our fitness tested by our endurance & perseverance,

Sustained at the halfway rest stop by drinks, fruits and all types of delicious treats.

The second half of our trek, the finish line draws near,

Our bodies have been challenged and strained,

The London Winter Walk has been an incredible experience through London,

The Oval Cricket Ground at the finish welcomes us - thank god it hadn\'t rained.

Medals draped round our necks,

A celebratory meal and drinks, we are nourished, sustained and complete,

What walking challenge awaits us in this New Year ahead of us?

For now we\'ll contemplate, rest and retreat.