
Witness To Widows

Tune: Sandys

(\'Teach me, my God and King\')

1 Timothy 4 v.9-16


Let widows (/widowers) in welfare

Over age sixty share

In the church, for them do provide

Where they no help beside


If been wife of one man

And if be showed it can

That good works done, brought up children

They shall qualify then


If helped strangers and saints

In purity, no taints

If they afflicted have relieved

In good works have believed


But younger widows not

Be received, for their lot

After divorce, quick to marry

Condemned now such be, see


Their faith they have off cast

Their silence does not last

But they idle, wander about

From house to house, no doubt


And they do tattle to

And tell gossip anew

Speaking things which they ought not speak

Not humble, kind, or meek


Young women, stay married

Bear children, faith not slid

Manage the house, no occasion

Give for your reproach, none


Families, do relieve

Assist widows, believe

Show faith in action, so provide

Widows with you reside