Kurt Philip Behm

Spoken Free (+4)

Flying off the written page,

words leave their script behind


An inked stained palette of regret,

dark figures to remind


Voices soaring up and up,

released in open air


Imprisoned verses spoken free

—eternity to share


(Villanova Pennsylvania: January, 2020)



Vitam Et Mortem


We are what we do;

we are what we say


As day becomes night,

and night becomes day


We are twice begotten;

we are twice betrayed


Forgiveness in hiding

—redemption misplayed


(West Philadelphia: February, 2020)





Words On The Run


Poetic intention,

hiding in Prose


Misplaced and misspoken,

as every Bard knows


A narrative run on,

words littered about


Neither beauty nor truth

—masked in self doubt


(Bryn Mawr College: February, 2020)  




Neither A Borrower Nor...


Collaborative Poetry…

give me a break


Words borrowed or lent,

the Muse to abate


What’s not in your memory,

what’s not in your soul


Can never be bartered, rented

—or sold


(Bryn Mawr College: February, 2020)



Darkness To Light


It wells up inside me,

but words will not come


 I reach for them desperate,

the mood zero sum


My insides are shaking,

all peace is recalled


The rumblings foreboding,

complacency falls


My mind is locked down,

 my speech has gone mute


Like a great locomotive,

the first word breaking through


The dozens that follow

keep me pinned to my chair


As voices I know

start consuming the air


My brain is on fire,

 my will starts to melt


Time sacrificial,

 what’s heard and then felt


My pen has unfrozen,

in timeless delight


Directing this journey

—from darkness to light


(Rosemont Pennsylvania: February, 2020)