I don\'t even have a thinker , bidder be on
You\'re whore copying My Style
There\'s load of bidd, I\'ve been on
You can pull the trigger and that rachet ass trip-song
Bird you bidd, look I\'m wavy
The way you bidd is losing is like I\'m losing three pounds
At the restaurant I\'ve had some lobsters and some tired song
\"Gerome\" a little noodles?
Pitch, I told you - You\'re a pidd on
Tall pitch , think I\'m scared of tall ?
Not at all pitch
You just stare straight at My Bank, I love all this
No I\'m not hating on your girl , but she was watching
Diamond and a chain, in My drop
But she was watching
Do my ring , I like August
Woke up in a bank? That\'s my word I like all this
You don\'t want nothing that I have - I have all this
Where I\'m from ? We have cold guns and we\'re heartless
Real ass.
Never take wisdom for asses
Pull the trigger now, trying to sound like our \"R\"
I just killed your bitch
And everything\'s mine