
Candlemas Celebration

Tune: Lux Benigna

(\'Lead, kindly light\')

Luke 2 v.25-32.  For Candlemas (Feb 2) - 

The Presentation of Christ in the Temple


Behold, in Jerusalem, Simeon

A holy one

Just and devout, he was there awaiting

A wondrous thing

The Holy Spirit did to him reveal

A sure promise unto him He would seal


For he should not see death before he saw

The Lord\'s Christ pure

Babe presented in the Temple that day

Was the Lord\'s way

His age forty days since His lowly birth

Jesus Christ, He the Lord of heaven and earth


So Simeon took Christ up in His arms

The healing balm

And blessed God, saying, *Lord, now let depart

My servant heart

In peace, according to your word, for my

Eyes have seen your salvation, no deny


Your salvation in Christ you have prepared

With all Him shared

Before the face of all people now shown

He by all known

A light to lighten the Gentiles, thus view

The glory of your people Israel too


* The words from here to the end are called 

Simeon\'s \'Nunc Dimittis\' (adapted for the poem).