Tune: Ratisbon
(\'Christ whose glory fills the skies\')
Psalm 27 v.7-14 parts
Hear, O LORD, when I do cry
With my voice, draw to me nigh
Have mercy on me, answer
To my aid, now come and stir
So I shall be helped right sure
You will forsake me ne\'ermore
When, LORD, you said, Seek my face
I did progress, even pace
My heart replied, said to you
Your face, LORD, I will seek, view
By faith, so in seeking find
You are loving, good, and kind
Hide not your face far from me
Nor refuse me angrily
I your servant am, and you
My help have been, now anew
Leave me not, nor me forsake
By grace I of you partake
Teach me your way, LORD, and lead
Me in plain path, and me feed
Keep me from my enemies
Have mercy, LORD, as you please
Save me from persecutors
Help me soon, with no defers
I had fainted, unless I
Believed that you still are nigh
And to see your goodness in
Land of living, LORD, within
Wait in faith on the Lord, give
Take courage, strength He shall give