
It’s Time to Go Home


i’m sitting in class

it’s almost time to go

i wanna be home

i’m sitting it my seat

learning abt the things i’ll forget in a heartbeat




we’re getting closer now

just 3 minutes to go

the teachers stopped teaching

and i’ve stopped writing

i go to book my books away

-Boom Boom-

sounds like a grenade

My classmates all staring

asking the question with their eyes

“what was.. that”

-Boom Boom-

hear it again, getting louder this time




we hear the bell ring

it’s time to go but no one moves a thing

we’re frightened, terror in our eyes

we finally know what the sound is

it’s a gun, i know it for sure

someone’s out there taking innocent lives

the teacher moves to the door

locking it shut and turning of the lights

we move to the back

but there ain’t enough room

I’m sitting quietly looking around

i should be safe as long as i stay right here



-Boom Boom-

It’s right next to us now

Glass is shattering

and screams insue

i look down

i can’t see there faces

body’s fall

the numbers rise

before i know it

i’m down too

my best friend screams

Don’t take her

of all the people in the world

please not her

It’s too late though

I’m a goner

My breathings getting harder

I look at my friend

memories flash

all the times i took for granted

when we were like ten

i smile when i see her one last time

I love you, i tell her

then i close my eyes


What do you know

I remember what i learned in class today

but i got no heartbeats left to say Hurray