
my birth giver

my Mama, the most judgemental lady I know

what can I do to please her, what about my problems

does she even know? 

I care take, and keep my grades straight all for her to throw it up in my face

what if it’s my Best?

how do I talk to a lady that was the only child and only see her point of view?

I don\'t even know if this is my emotions getting the best of me, but is it true that she sees the best of me? 

being the 5th one popped out the womb 

my future is already planned

me not having my full potential, because i’m already told no

I want her to know that my future isn’t planned 

I have potential that no one sees

like any flower 

I will Grow 

I will Blossom 

and damn sure Shine 

with the only thing that no one can take away from me

my knowledge and the capability to love