
\"LULLABY\" By: Kirkuleze

  When you stare into my blank eyes, what do you see?  Can u see the reflection of my mothers back, walking away from me? If you can scrape the frost from my face, What color are my glazed eyes? I\'m too young to know what they might look like, but I know about goodbyes. Are they green, blue, brown, or maybe a light grey?  Please, don\'t take me away, my mother will be back soon, so I have to stay.   She left me wrapped in this thin blanket, to protect me from this ice cold rain, to teach me that darkness and brightness, can indeed end up the same.   In the tomb for nine months of my mothers womb, I sat in total darkness without sight, until I was  blinded by a energy that was so bright. When I was finally getting use to it, someone has gone and turned out the light, now I feel like I\'m floating above everyone else at a higher hight.    I heard someone say, \"we got here too late, she\'s already gone.\" Why is everyone crying, what\'s wrong? I\'m scared, I wish my mother was hear to sing that lullaby song.   Are those tears of joy, or tears of pain? I heard a lady say, \"why would a mother leave a child outside to freeze to death, what could she possibly  gain?\" Where is my mother? Why am I surrounded by all these strangers? I felt much safer in that small room I slept in, with all those boxes, clothes, and hangers.   I watched as these total strangers all held hands and silently said grace, while someone placed a clean white sheet over my face.   As they began to take my body away, far in the distance, watching behind a trash Heap, my mother began to quietly weep. As if she could here my voice asking her, why mother, why? She simply looked up, and quietly started singing, \"Hush little baby, don\'t you cry.....\"