

The news always telling the pain,
the corruption, the murder, the stealing.

While we live in vain......

Day to day, another problem is in the hearing
We reach for buttons we flick over & forget
to a film about rape, drugs and kidnapping.
Watching, ignorant people who want more money. On a set.
We selfishly are entrained and go to our warm bed
Meanwhile for a innocent kid, it\'s happening,
with no happy end, just a child, dead!
And the parents are wishing for a miracle 
Like a little child that wishes upon a star,
hoping their pride & joy is still somewhere on this spherical
with the peoples\' talk, their doors to faith remain ajar.
 I reach out my hand to them,


 Selfishly, I switch off my heart.....

And, I switch off the T.V.