A Boy With Roses

Morning Will Rise

The winter night ululates

The sound echoes across the maedow 

In a land of permanent bliss

I heard the thunderbolt of Zeus in locomotion

A millwheel spinning 

The willow bark has started to peel 

I observe the colourful rills

The hookah smoke 


I am the chrysalis with mammoth dreams 

Arcadian, white skin and bones 

In bellows of pain 

As dirigible as the wind 

Reticent and kind of Argus eyed 

I have no elbowroom

Snapping like a magnet 

I follow the ocean and the moon 


Hoping for Albion

It\'s difficult not to be distralt

In a leap year 

Dark clouds are sitting in the sky 

Sitting rhapsodic, I\'ve been cut to the quick

Dipped into a reverie like I was a lapwing in flight 

In the dead of night, my muddy footprints can be seen 

From the highest bulwark in Tartarus 


In the dark I tear myself apart

Yarn convolutes in a coil

I\'m running from the mauve peasouper

The fruit has been spoiled 

There is no cure that can fix this 

Prithee, let it rain a shower of silver and gold

The first Faoilleach drought has ruptured my spirit 

I\'ve went and morphed into an eagle 


The toe twisted 

The toe turned blue, then black 

Swastika red adders have launched diural attacks

It\'s ridiculous, total claptrap 

I seen the sheet anchor pass the pelican crossing

It disappeared with dreamboats and paper planes 

Like buttered adrenaline

It\'s time to catch a turtledove.