
Departed Manners.

Into the petrol station I went,

Filled up the car with petrol.

Into the shop to pay the bill ,

Got to the counter.

“Good Morning” I said,

“Pump number 7 please”

“Thank you” said the lady,

The lady behind the counter.

To the counter next to me

Came a young lady,

“Five!” was all she said.

The lady behind the counter

Told her the price,

The young lady handed over the payment

Then just walked out!

This stunned me,

The only word the young lady said

Was “Five!”

No please,

No thank you.

As I was thanking the lady,

The lady who served me,

I asked if this happened often.

“Many, many times” she said

“People have no manners these days”.

What has happened to manners

And politeness in this era?

It costs nothing

And is worth everything.

So come on people,

Just to remind you,

There are only three words,

Three words you need to remember.


And Thank you.