Aa Harvey

The Builder

The Builder



If it does not bite you at the end of each breath,

Then I will start again and again

And I will rewrite it, all over again.



Do it all again; pretend we are friends.

I never claimed to believe in anything ‘real’.

These lips are sealed to forever lovers.

I wish I had never gone undercover.



In my happy disguise, I find truth within eyes.

I fixate on the page, the place, the way

And someday I will find a place where I can truly say,

‘I love you’, and mean it;

But this is neither the time, nor the day.

I have dagger eyes upon me.

Always waiting for a new surprise.

They are hoping for a slip of the tongue;

Waiting for me to mention drugs,

Waiting with the desert dogs,

But I have nothing more to say,

About what I have, or have not done.



You pick your truth as I live in peace,

With decisions I have made.

I made no choice, for I have no choice.

Some might say I lead the way;

Some might say,

All things are already set in stone.

Rock steady is the path I walk along.



Destiny is self-assured,

For I have never found a cure,

To all the hurt in my own world,

So I will never reach a day,

Where I no longer need to build.



(C)2018 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.