Caitlyn T

Good Enough

Why am I not good enough?

That’s a question every girl asks herself.

Why am I not good enough?

Why are my thighs so big?

Why is my stomach not flat enough?

Why is my hair so thin or thick?

Why is my hair so curly or so straight?

Why is my hair so short or so long?

Why don’t I look as good as her?

Why are my eyes not as pretty as hers?

Why does everyone like her so much and not me?

Why don’t boys like me as much as her?

Why can’t I look like her?

Why are my clothes so hideous?

Why can’t I keep up with the latest fashion trends?

Why am I not good enough?

Girls question their appearances, question their popularity, question their body, but why can’t we, as girls, just be happy with ourselves?

Why are we so criticizing?

Why do we always want to change something about us?

Why do we get so jealous of other people?

Why do we think that other people are better than us?

Why do we want to be like somebody else?

Why do we want her body?

Why do we want her hair?

Why do we want her eyes?

Why do we want her style?

Why do we think that we are not good enough?

Why can’t we just be happy with who we are?

Well we can be.

You are loved.

You are cherished.

You make this world a better place.

You are special.

You put an amazing thing into this world.

You are pretty.

You are nice.

And You are kind.

You are extraordinary.

And You are good enough.

You may think that other girls are just perfect,

But nobodies perfect.

You are the closest thing to perfect there is.

Everyone is.

We may be flawed.

We may make mistakes.

We may have scars.

We may have gone through tough times.

We may have faced obstacles.

But these flaws show that you are real.

These mistakes help you improve as a person.

These scars show that you have lived life to it’s fullest.

These tough times help you appreciate the good ones.

These obstacles are what shape you.

We are good enough.

So the question, why am I not good enough? Isn’t a question we should be asking.

It’s a question we should be revising to

I am good enough.