Saxon Crow

I Love Her

I love her

It\'s as simple as that

No dramatic gestures

No Hollywood romance

I love her

And that\'s all there is to it

I don\'t know why

Other than her smile

and the crows feet she has around those beautiful deep brown eyes

I love her

I didn\'t think I could

My heart had been broken before

That I thought it was beyond repair

But then she healed it

I don\'t know how but she did

I love her

And the strangest thing is that she loves me too

I don\'t know why but I know she does

I have moments of clarity when I step outside my own self absorbed mood

And there she is, true, loyal and loving

I know I don\'t deserve her and I think she knows that too

But there she is right by my side just as I am by hers too

I love her

And I\'ve come to realise that nothing will ever change that

My own little insecurities have melted away into nothingness

And I realise not only that I love her but that I can love her without fear

I love her

A simple statement of fact

I love her

It\'s as simple as that