
Among persons known within mine barbed ken

Analogous to black box

holding untold secrets,

I share the following self

introspection with ye,

which purported hidden truths

might set me free,

albeit laborious effort

to loose constituent amalgamated

compound elements unmined

tantamount to agony

riddling psyche effort to extract

thorny matters incumbent upon me

versus tapping Androcles and the lion

think Roman mythology.


Oftimes methinks... whoami

spending scores of years

with frustrated sigh

hermetically sealing body electric

housing generic garden variety guy

severely emotionally tormented

contemplating, integrating,

blithely urging wish to die

even at this moment,

yet reluctantly shy

away to embrace death wholeheartedly,

nor would I try

putting anonymous life (mine)

on the line, though...

nonetheless envisioning rejoicing

(as told to significant other -

the missus naturally averse

to my demise well nigh)

without ability to explain why

per se if mortal ailment

truncated mein kampf

Noel cowardly lie,

cuz becoming gratefully dead try

not to laugh while

yours truly cannot deny

permanent absence twill recognize

hard skool of knocks alumni

posthumously make his name linked with

hallowed as if that martyred,

though the feted occasion

beholds mine scattered

cremated ashes carried,

loosed, whisked... to sky

will not require men to don black tie,

nor mourn angst peppered soul,

no longer will any banshee cry

all quiet on western front forever reunify

me with cosmic consciousness eternal ally.